EBSC presents a high-performance EtO Gas Scrubber, boasting an impressive 99% EtO removal efficiency while prioritizing safety. Our design is exceptionally flexible, enabling the incorporation of preferred components and materials.
— Scrubbers
EBSC presents a high-performance EtO Gas Scrubber, boasting an impressive 99% EtO removal efficiency while prioritizing safety. Our design is exceptionally flexible, enabling the incorporation of preferred components and materials.
EtO gas blends sterilize products & equipments in Medical, Pharmaceutical, Food & Cosmetics Mineral Industries.
— Gas Mixtures
Excel Formulations has built a cutting-edge facility for formulating and bottling EtO in Village Khoda, Dist. Ahmedabad, Gujarat. EtO gas blends sterilize equipment in medical, food, and pharmaceutical industries.
Our expertise lies in manufacturing sterilizers that boast fully automatic operations, catering to the needs of Hospitals, Laboratories, Medical-Disposable Industries, Food & Cosmetic Mineral Industries.
— Sterlizers
Our expertise lies in manufacturing sterilizers that boast fully automatic operations, catering to the needs of hospitals, nursing homes, research laboratories, and other related establishments. — Sterlizers